Frequently Asked Questions
1) I have not given birth yet but plan to breastfeed. Do I really need the Bridge?
86% of moms intend to breastfeed but 92% of moms have a problem breastfeeding in the first three days. The Bridge can help you meet your goals if and when you encounter your problem. Instead of giving a bottle, a mother can use the Bridge to supplement at the breast instead. This incentivizes the baby to latch and helps mom build her milk supply. This is especially helpful for moms who have a C-section and have delayed milk supply.
2) Can the Bridge help build my milk supply?
For most moms, milk supply is a function of supply and demand. The more you empty the breast (demand), the more your breast will produce (supply). The Bridge helps keep the baby at the breast, which empties the breast and stimulates the body to produce more breastmilk.
3) Can the Bridge help with latch?
The Bridge provides a surface for your baby to latch on to. This is especially helpful when the baby is having a difficult time sustaining a proper latch. In many cases, while mom works on the latch a bottle is something that the medical team might suggest. Instead of going to a bottle, using the Bridge to feed the baby at the breast can help keep the baby interested in the breast.
4) Do I need to press down on the syringe for my baby to get the milk?
Yes. This feature was made intentionally by our development team. Our goal is to have the baby feed from the breast as much as possible and only use supplement when needed. Our design allows baby to extract as much milk as possible from the breast and gives the caregiver full control over when supplement is given and at what rate.
5) Can the Bridge help me transition to breastfeeding if my baby prefers bottles?
Babies who are fed with a bottle can struggle because they are used to instant gratification that the bottle provides. Using the Bridge allows you to provide supplement as soon as the baby latches to the breast. Once the baby forms an association between feeding at the breast and receiving nutrition they will be more likely to continue feeding at the breast. Another way that the Bridge helps transition from bottle to breastfeeding is by providing a surface for the baby to latch on to. The silicone nipple piece feels similar to the bottle nipple for a baby who has a bottle preference. This familiarity increases the chances of baby latching and suckling at the breast.
6) What are the directions for use?
Step 1 Fill syringe (sold separately for N8001-5 and N8001-30) with milk or formula and twist onto the purple Neotech Bridge connector.
Step 2 Invert the Bridge and center over the nipple. Fold Bridge down onto the breast to create a seal.
Step 3 Latch the baby onto the Bridge.
Step 4 Depress syringe to deliver milk as needed.
Step 5 Clean and sanitize regularly as directed. Replace Bridge after one week or 20 washes, whichever is sooner.
7) How do I clean?
Step 1 Separate and rinse all parts, including syringe plunger, under running water to wash away milk residue.
Step 2 Soak all separate parts in warm soapy water for 5 minutes.
Step 3 Reinsert the plunger into the syringe and fill with warm soapy water. Connect to Bridge and extension tubing (if used; sold separately for N8001-5 and N8001-30). Flush and repeat several times.
Step 4 Fill syringe with clean water and reconnect to Bridge and extension tubing (if used). Flush and repeat several times.
Step 5 Fill syringe with air and reconnect to Bridge and extension tubing (if used). Force air through tubing several times to remove water droplets.
Step 6 Disconnect all parts, including syringe plunger, and place on a clean, dry surface and allow to air dry. Store dry parts in plastic bag/container when not in use.
Caution: Do not dry the components with paper towel or similar as this will shorten the life of the device. Do not store wet or damp parts.
8) How do I sanitize?
Sanitize once daily. Do not use sterilizers or microwave.
Step 1 Separate and rinse all parts, including syringe plunger, under running water to wash away milk residue.
Step 2 Fill a pot with 8 cups of drinking-quality water and bring to a boil.
Step 3 Turn off heat source and let boiling water cool for two and a half minutes.
Step 4 Place the separate parts into the water and allow them to soak for 10 minutes.
Caution: Do not heat parts above 94 degrees Celsius or 201 degrees Fahrenheit as this could cause the parts to deform and prevent the Bridge from functioning properly.
Step 5 Allow water to cool in open pot and gently remove parts from water with tongs.
Step 6 Place parts on a clean, dry surface and allow to air dry. Store dry parts in plastic bag/container when not in use.
Caution: Do not dry the components with paper towel or similar as this will shorten the life of the device. Do not store wet or damp parts.
9) Can I gravity feed with the Bridge?
The Neotech Bridge does not work with gravity feeding. This is an intentional design element to allow parents full control over the rate at which the milk is supplemented, the amount of milk that the baby receives, and the timing of when the supplement is being delivered during the feed.
This encourages the baby to transfer as much milk as possible from the breast and helps build mom’s milk supply. Since liquids take the path of least resistance, gravity feeding maximizes flow from the supplementation container instead of the breast.
10) What sizes do you make?
At this time, the Bridge only comes in one size which is 23.8mm. Development of this size was based on IBCLC input and market research. We find that the size and the shape is able to accommodate most women who use the Bridge. We are hoping to be able to offer more sizes in the future.
The Bridge is than typical nipple shield sizing. Click here to compare.
11) Does the Bridge come in any other shapes?
Currently, the Bridge only comes in one shape. The shape of the Bridge was strategically made to accommodate babies of different gestational age. In the future, we hope to expand the family of Bridge products by creating more sizes and shapes.
12) What size syringe should I use?
This depends on how old your baby is and how much you need to supplement. In the first few days babies need only a very small amount of milk/formula and 20 ml syringe would be perfect. If the baby is older and mom is producing some milk and only uses a small amount of supplement. For an older baby who consistently requires more than an ounce of supplement, a 60 ml syringe may be a better option.
13) How long can I use the Bridge kit for?
We recommend you replace the syringe on a weekly basis.
The Bridge itself depends on frequency of use. Clean and sanitize regularly as directed. Replace Bridge after one week or 20 washes, whichever is sooner.
14) What is the proper way to put on the Bridge?
Invert the silicone cover and place it over the breast. Tubing should be facing in such a way to make the syringe connection possible while baby is attached (usually at 2 o’clock or 10 o’clock). Please see video for full instructions.
15) How do I get the edges of the Bridge down when the baby eats?
It’s not unusual for edges to come up. Make sure that the Bridge is applied appropriately. You can also use some water, breastmilk, or nipple cream to keep edges down. The Bridge is made of the thinnest silicone meant to keep the breastfeeding experience as natural as possible. Overall, even if the edges come up, the baby should be able to transfer milk effectively.
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